Home Interviews Interview: Juan Ibanez

Interview: Juan Ibanez

46 min read

'Orbit: Juan Ibañez' is the second episode in the 'Orbit' concept from SLC-6 Music which highlights core artists from the label. The series features new originals, remixes, reworks, and previously released music - all swirling in orbit around the featured artist. In this second act, Juan Ibañez is the barycenter. The Argentinian's star has been rising fast since being discovered by now frequent musical collaborator D.J. MacIntyre for his first commercial release in early 2019 on SLC-6 Music. Since that time Juan has become a favorite within the Progressive community with releases on respected labels such as Balkan Connection, Clubsonica, Droid9, Or Two Strangers and The Soundgarden.

The celestial musical bodies swirling around Juan which comprise the release include a new original called 'Valley of the Moon,' new remixes from Andres Moris, Evegrem, Cedren and Manu-l, and Axel Zambrano, as well as re-releases of five originals, remixes from Andre Moret, Echo Daft, Hypnoitised and PatriZe, Shanil Alox, and Cedren and Manu-l, and Juan's own remixes of D.J. MacIntyre, Astropilot, Casper Keys, and Hypnotised. Cumulatively, these tracks showcase the melodic, percussive, and always musical style which is distinctly Juan's, and which has made him an integral part of SLC-6 Music. We had a chance to catch up with Juan for an exclusive interview prior to the release. Enjoy!

Hello Juan, thanks for joining us. What is your current mood and what was the last piece of music you listened to?

Hello, I am very happy to be here for another interview for Progressive Astronaut - today I feel very well, I got up to have tea and heard "Los Cafres - I almost lost myself" on TV.


Hola, muy contento de poder estar presente en otra entrevista para Progressive Astronaut, hoy me encuentro muy bien, me he levantado a tomar un té y hr escuchado desde la Tv "Los Cafres - Casi que me pierdo"

What are your plans for the coming week?

I am thinking of continuing to work on the tracks that I will have to deliver soon, original tracks that I am about to finish, and also thinking of buying new headphones.


Estoy pensando en seguir trabajando en las pistas que tendre que entregar pronto, tracks originales que ya estoy a punto de terminarlos y tambien pensando en comprarme unos Auriculares nuevos.

You have some new music out this week on SLC-6 Music’s Orbit series, it’s the second installment of the artist focused long player, tell us a bit about the project and how you ended up being selected for it.

As always, SLC-6 Music is a fundamental priority in my career, and my works in general, one because I found a home from the beginning as a producer of the genre and because David (MacIntyre) has taught me a lot about the industry to this day.

This compilation has a lot to do with the friendship between producers and the bond I have with SLC-6 Music, I was selected once again for another compilation (the previous one was Constellation: Aquarius) because beyond music I have a good relationship with David who puts a lot of trust in the work that I have been doing from the very beginning.


Como siempre SLC-6 Music es una prioridad fundamental en mi carrera y mis trabajos en general, una por que encontre un hogar desde el principio como productor del genero y por que David (MacIntyre) me ha enseñado mucho sobre la industria hasta el dia de hoy.

Este compilado tiene mucho que ver con la amistad entre productores y el vínculo que tengo con SLC-6 Music, fui seleccionado una vez mas para otro compilado (el anterior fue Constellation: Aquarius) por que mas alla de la musica tengo una buena relación con David que ya viene desde el comienzo y pone mucha confianza en el trabajo que vengo haciendo desde el principio.

There are seventeen tracks in total, some are originals and some remixes, how many of these were produced specifically for this collection?

The new tracks selected for this compilation are 5 tracks:


Las nuevas pistas seleccionadas para este compilado son 5 pistas:

Juan Ibañez - Valley Of The Moon

Juan Ibañez - Happiness Factory (Andrés Moris Remix)

Juan Ibañez - Happiness Factory (Cedren & Manu-l Remix)

Juan Ibañez - Scent Of Water (Evegrem & Andres Moris Remix)

Juan Ibañez - Scent Of Water (Axel Zambrano Remix)

The first release of your career came courtesy of SLC-6 Music in 2019 and you’ve since gone on to release with the label twelve times, what makes the label such a great home for your work and ultimately a project of this size?

I have found a good home in SLC-6 Music, as I said before, I have a good relationship with David since the beginning and he has become a great friend too. Happy to be one of the main artists of the Label and to work together with many of them for other labels, as it was a strong community. This project is very important to me both as an artist and as a friend of each of the artists included in it.


Eh encontrado un buen hogar en SLC-6 Music, como decia anteriormente, tengo una Buena Relación con David desde el comienzo y se ha convertido en un gran amigo tambien. Contento por ser uno de los artistas principales del Sello y trabajar en conjunto con muchos de ellos para otras etiquetas, como se tratara de una firme comunidad. Este proyecto es muy importante para mi tanto como artista y amigo de cada uno de los artistas incluidos en el.

Talk to us about growing up and living in Argentina, how has it affected your musical taste and the music you make?

Living in Argentina is quite comfortable; I live in a city called La Rioja in the northeast of the country, quite hot and dry. Since I was a child I grew up listening to national and international rock, tango and cumbia but I never thought I would become an electronic music producer.  Since I was young I produced musical bands in which I was a part, but everything changed when I saw Hernán Cattaneo for the first time in 2017. It was what motivated me to be able to discover what really made me happy and to be able to get to work on my own productions.


Vivir en argentina es bastante cómodo, vivo en una Ciudad llamada La Rioja al nortoeste del pais, bastante caluroso y seco. Desde chico me he criado escuchando rock nacional y internacional, tango y cumbia pero nunca pense que llegaria a ser productor de música electrónica, desde joven producia bandas musicales a las que formaba parte pero todo cambio cuando vi por primera vez a Hernán Cattaneo en 2017. Fue lo que me motivo a poder descubrir lo que realmente me hacia feliz y poder llegar a trabajar en producciones propias.

Progressive music is well known for being hugely popular in Argentina, how did your country become the genre’s mecca over the last 10-15 years? What would you attribute that to?

I am very sure that progressive music is well known in Argentina because we have a very important reference that I have already mentioned, Hernan Cattaneo, as well as other artists such as Fernando Ferreyra, Martin Garcia, Carlos Alfonsin among others who promoted that melodic sound to the tracks. These references have maintained a sound for many years, long before the viewer knows what they were listening to, dancing and enjoying, time did its thing, today the progressive house scene continues to grow and these artists continue to have firm the idea of ​​many years ago.


Estoy muy seguro que la musica progresiva es muy conocida en argentina por que tenemos un referente muy importante que ya he mencionado, Hernan Cattaneo, tambien otros artistas como Fernando Ferreyra, Martin Garcia, Carlos Alfonsin entre otros que impulsaron ese sonido melodico a las pistas. Estos referentes han mantenido un sonido por muchos años, mucho antes de que el espectador sepa que es lo que estaba escuchaneo, bailando y disfrutando, el tiempo hizo lo suyo, hoy en dia la escena del progressive house sigue creciendo y estos artistas siguen teniendo firme la idea de hace muchos años.

 What are your favourite venues to play in Argentina and why?

I have had the opportunity to travel to play in various places; Buenos Aires, San Luis, San Juan. But the two best places that I have experienced a unique energy were Catamarca and Córdoba. Its people do not stop dancing and they have a clear idea of ​​what they are going to listen to, therefore they enjoy it twice as much. I would go back a thousand times to these places!


Eh tenido la oportunidad de poder viajar a tocar a varios lugares; Buenos Aires, San Luis, San Juan. Pero los dos mejores lugares que he experimentado una energia unica fue Catamarca y Córdoba. Su gente no para de bailar y tienen una idea clara de lo que van a escuchar por lo tanto disfrutan el doble. Volveria mil veces a estos lugares!

Who are some up and coming Argentinian artists to look out for?

I see many artists who grow from year to year, having a memorable participation on the platforms and starring in good live shows. The ones I currently consider are all my friends. Fabri Lopez, Andres Moris, Evegrem, Jesuan M, Indigo Man, Poli Siufi, Agustin Pietrocola, Agustin Ficarra, Francisco Basso, among others.


Veo muchos artistas que crecen de un año a otro, teniendo una participación memorable en las plataformas y Protagonizando buenos show en vivo. Los que considero actualmente son todos mis amigos. Fabri Lopez, Andres Moris, Evegrem, Jesuan M, Indigo Man, Poli Siufi, Agustin Pietrocola, Agustin Ficarra, Francisco Basso, entre otros.

Can you name five tracks that were important in your musical development and why they are so significant for you?

I will name tracks that are from different musical genres.

Nombrare pistas que son de diferentes generos musicales.

Gustavo Cerati - Puente

Bandalos Chinos - Isla

Oasis - Wonderwall

The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony

Global Deejays Feat Technotronics - Get Up

These tracks marked a before and after in my musical tastes in different times and circumstances of my life, both as a listener and as a musician.


Estas pistas marcaron un antes y despues en mis gustos musicales en diferentes epocas y circuntancias de mi vida, tanto como oyente y músico.

I think for a lot of artists music allows you to write a sketch of your own personal universe in a way; your travels, life experiences etc. Is that true of yourself? Talk about where your inspiration comes from.

From my point of view, inspiration depends a lot on your mood. If you did not have a good day and you think that the music production could change it, maybe the melodies of that track are a little more melancholic, sad, as well as maybe nothing comes out and vice versa.

But sometimes inspiration comes suddenly. What I usually do, for example, if I'm not at home and some sound or melody comes to my head, I record it with my voice from my cell phone and when I get home I already have the idea saved, it's very useful for me.


Desde mi punto de vista la inspiración depende mucho de tu estado de ánimo. Si no tuviste un buen día y piensas que la produccion de música podria cambiarlo, tal vez las melodias de esa pista sean un poco mas melancolicas, tristes, como tambien puede que no te salga nada y asi viceversa.

Pero a veces la inspiración viene de repente. Lo que suelo hacer por ejemplo si no estoy en casa y me viene algún sonido o melodia en mi cabeza, lo grabo con mi voz desde el celular y cuando llego a casa ya tengo la idea guardada, es muy útil para mi.

If you could set up an event with a line-up of five artists of your choice, who would you book and what set times would you ascribe to the artists?

Hernan Cattaneo

Mariano Mellino

Fabri Lopez

Rocio Portillo

Cocho Gari

This lineup would be perfect for me!


Esta alineacion para mi seria perfecta!

Talk to us a bit about your production process, pick a track from the release and walk us through the process of crafting it.

I'll go with the main one from t his current release, 'Valley Of The Moon'

This is my last original that I made, named after a place I recently visited, located in San Juan, Argentina. Its melody and atmosphere takes you to a melancholy experience accompanied by the voices and its progressive and dancefloor groove.

As we had previously talked about where inspiration comes from and in this example this song is a little more melancholic and sad, I just finished this song after attending Hernan Cattaneo's show at Hotel Potrerillos, Mendoza; It was a great experience and my feelings reflect what I have felt and experienced in this type of King's show.


Iré con la principal, 'Valley Of The Moon'

Esta es mi ultimo original que realicé, llamado asi por un lugar que he visitado hace poco, encuentra en San Juan, Argentina. Su melodia y atmosfera te lleva a una experiencia melancolica acompañado las voces y su groove progresivo y pistero.

Como habiamos hablado anteriormente de donde viene la inspiración y en este ejemplo esta cancion es un poco mas melancolica y triste, justamente he terminado esta cancion despues de asistir al show de Hernan Cattaneo en el Hotel Potrerillos, Mendoza; fue una gran experiencia y mis sentimientos reflejan lo que he sentido y vivido en este tipo show del Rey.

What does your set-up like? Do you favor physical gear over digital? And what studio tools featured heavily in the writing of this track?

Currently I only work with a midi controller and my computer. I have had the opportunity to work with physical equipment but today I feel comfortable with fewer elements. I am accompanied by a MidiPlus X4 controller and a Korg Krome 61 which were fundamental in each key to create this track.


Actualmente solo trabajo con un controlador midi y mi computadora. Eh tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con equipos fisicos pero hoy me siento comodo con menos elementos. Me acompañan un controlador MidiPlus X4 y un Korg Krome 61 los cuales fueron fundamentales en cada tecla para crear esta pista.

What’s a piece of gear or software that always gets used when you’re writing a track?

I use my midi controller and my korg with a simple Alpha Lexicon board, DAW FL Studio 12 where inside I use VSTs like Hive 2, Dune 3, Kontakt 5, Nexus 2, Omniphere, among others.


Uso mi controlador midi y mi korg con una placa sencilla Alpha Lexicon, DAW FL Studio 12 donde adentro de el uso VST como Hive 2, Dune 3, Kontakt 5, Nexus 2, Omniphere, entre otros.

How much road testing or friend feedback is done before you’re ready to say a track is finished? And who is someone you share your new music with first for feedback?

I had named PROD Community in another interview, it is a group of hundreds of Latin American producers armed in 2020 when we were all locked up for the first covid19 quarantine. In it we share tips, books, projects in progress, we do masterclasses and we help each other, that's where I spend my projects before sending them to any record label and they give me feedback. But on some occasions I send my friends Fabri Lopez, Agustin Ficarra, Andres Moris to have a more honest ear.


Habia nombrado en otra entrevista a PROD Community, es un grupo de cientos de productores de latinoamerica armada en 2020 cuando todos estábamos encerrados por la primera cuarentena de covid19. En ella nos pasamos tips, libros, proyectos en proceso, realizamos masterclass y nos ayudamos mutuamente, alli es donde paso mis proyectos antes de enviar a cualquier sello discográfico y me dan un feedback. Pero en algunas ocaciones le envío a mis amigos Fabri Lopez, Agustin Ficarra, Andres Moris para tener un oido mas sincero.

Generally speaking, do you find it more difficult to come up with original tracks than remixing a track from another artist?

That varies, if you like the track that you are going to remix enough, I will have the facility to create clear ideas more quickly, sometimes it is the opposite. But when creating an original track I think you put 100% of yourself without any condition or purpose.


Eso varía, si la pista que vas a remezclar te gusta bastante voy a tener la facilidad de crear ideas claras mas rapidamente, a veces es todo lo contrario. Pero al crear una pista original creo que pones el 100% de ti sin ningina condición ni propósito.

What would be a musical extravagance for your studio you would pay for, if you were very wealthy?

It is a good question since we all dream of having extravagant equipment, I would buy a Pioneer CDJ3000 set up with a DJM900 mixer, a latest generation Mac computer and also some analogs like Moog and Nord


Es una buena pregunta ya que todos soñamos con tener equipos extravagantes, compraria un set up Pioneer CDJ3000 con una mixer DJM900, una computadora Mac de última generación y tambien algunos analogicos como Moog y Nord

What’s a book you’ve read or film you watched that has left an impact on you, and why?

Movies fascinate me, there are many that I like but I will stay with Coco (Disney) it is an interesting story, I liked it a lot and I saw myself reflected in parts of that child. Recommended for those who haven't seen it!


La películas me fascinan, hay muchas que me gustan pero me quedare con Coco (Disney) es una interesante historia, mr gusto mucho y me vi reflejado en partes a ese niño. Recomendada para los que no la vieron!

In your opinion, what’s the biggest risk you’ve taken and what made you do it?

Since I was a child I have liked music and learned to play many instruments throughout my life, but when I finished high school I never decided to be a musician, I have gone through many careers that had nothing to do with it and it was always a hobby playing in bands for people but I never knew how to understand that music would be my purpose, in 2017 seeing Hernán Cattaneo for the first time was a before and after in my decisions, I left everything for music and decided to dedicate myself to being a producer and find my experience within the industry.


Desde niño me ha gustado la musica y aprendi a tocar muchos instrumentos a lo largo de mi vida, pero cuando termine la secundaria nunca me decidi a ser musico, he pasado por muchas carreras que no tenian nada que ver con ella y siempre fue un hobbie tocar en bandas para la gente pero nunca supe entender que la musica seria mi propósito, en 2017 al ver por primera ver a Hernán Cattaneo fue un antes y despues en mis decisiones, deje todo por la musica y decidi dedicarme a ser productor y buscar mi experiencia dentro de la industria.

Apart from music, what makes you happiest?

In addition to music I have several passions, soccer is one of them, I love animals, sports and play on the PlayStation.


Ademas de la musica tengo varias pasiones, el futbol es uno de ellos, amo los animales, hacer deportes y jugar en la PlayStation.

What does 2022 hold for you? Anything you can share with us?

This 2022 I have many projects in mind, I will let life continue to surprise me for now.

I am currently working with my friends in Villa Rumipal, Cordoba doing a DJ Residency in a Gran Parador Bar (Carmina Burana), an undertaking carried out by one of my best friends Ezequiel Ledesma and his partners, I will spend the summer season here and then I will be presenting myself in some shows in Córdoba, Argentina.

Thank you for the invitation to this interview and thank each of the people who influenced me throughout my career, in every gesture, word and vibe, which add energy to my actions and purpose, to think that you are in the right place in the right moment.


Este 2022 tengo muchos proyectos en mente, dejare que la vida me siga sorprendiendo por ahora.

Actualmente estoy trabajando con mis amigos en Villa Rumipal, Cordoba haciendo Residencia de DJ en un Gran Parador Bar (Carmina Burana), emprendimiento llevado a cabo por uno de mis mejores amigos Ezequiel Ledesma y sus socios, pasare la emporada verano aqui y despues estare presentandome en amgunos shows en Córdoba, Argentina.

Gracias por la invitación a esta entrevista y agradecer a cada una de las personas que influyeron a lo largo de mi carrera, en cada gesto, palabra y vibra, que agrego energia a mis acciones y propósito, pensar que estas en el lugar correcto en el momento justo.

'Orbit' is out now via SLC-6 Music: https://bit.ly/3rOeRjR

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