Featured small Premiere Habischman – Evolving feat. Miila Mor [SCI+TEC] By ProgressiveAstronaut Posted on 5th July 2023 3 min read 0 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Reddit Share on Linkedin 'Evolving' was inspired by the theme of escape and connection, like two lanes coming together then diverging, then coming back together. It's Habischman's third release on Dubfire's SCI+TEC but the first one as a collaboration with a vocalist. Habischman discovered Miila Mor through the demo submission on his own app Beatlift, that he's launching to help musicians connect. The beginning of the song is about the intensity of a connection, wanting to push away from it at the same time as pull away from it, fear being the driving force. As the feeling builds, it becomes more powerful, and harder to separate from, which leads to the point of taking action; running away. The chorus of the song focuses on this very idea, running until the feeling passes. The end of the song is about surrendering to it, realizing that it’s better to take risks in life, to be present to the pain from past experiences, to dissolve it and evolve from it. “Hereafter” the final lyric, is about rebirth, that there is life after the death of something else, and sometimes suffering is a part of our preparation, it’s what makes us human, and it’s what leads us into the next phase. So ultimately, the moral is to notice our fears and give in to our desires in life. Buy: bit.ly/3pBsGoW Release Date: 07-07-2023 https://soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/premiere-habischman-evolving-feat-miila-mor-original-mix-scitec/s-Xjss42rhvq7?si=c39f2460c774405384109f226eb94e45&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing ALL PREMIERS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/premieres ALL FREE DOWNLOADS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/free-downloads ALL PODCAST EPISODES: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/progressive-astronaut-mixes