Featured small Premiere Baime – Semele [Blindfold] By ProgressiveAstronaut Posted on 10th September 2021 4 min read 0 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Reddit Share on Linkedin This is Copenhagen-based duo Baime’s second EP on their own but the two Danes have already established themselves as solid players on the international scene. It is safe to say that these three tracks have been produced with a feeling of home in mind. There’s a hopeful notion to the tracks, but with a hint of melancholy. Hope and lust for freedom, for dancing, and for community - and an almost painful aching at the same time. “Basilike” and “Semele” are both powerful and personal in their expression, probably because the duo recorded the tracks using mostly analog gear and homemade percussion and drums. “Jabal”, on the other hand, is inspired by the Middle East with an incorporated sound bit that leaves the listener feeling like “Jabal” could be a long lost cousin of Baime’s earlier hit track “The Damned”. It’s taken the duo one and a half years to finish this EP, and it’s well worth the wait. These guys deliver quality over quantity and only release a track when it’s been thoroughly tested, refined, and then vetted by other industry experts. Baime’s latest release is not your regular run-of-the-mill electronic production. Instead, listeners should expect quality sounds, stellar percussion bits, and lots and lots of passion. It’s just what we need to gear up for a brighter future. Buy: https://lnk.to/semele_premiere Release Date: 17-09-2021 https://soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/premiere-baime-semele-original-mix-blindfold/s-swDBUomUwQ1?in=progressiveastronaut/sets/premieres https://youtu.be/oF0bTWow3Kc ALL PREMIERS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/premieres ALL FREE DOWNLOADS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/free-downloads ALL PODCAST EPISODES: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/progressive-astronaut-mixes