Home News SONUS 2017 timetable announced!

SONUS 2017 timetable announced!

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The timetable for Sonus 2017 is finally out! We're gonna celebrate our 5th B-day with a 5 day-5 night party marathon including both after-parties in the clubs Kalypso, Papaya & Aquarius, and boat parties along the mesmerizing Adriatic sea.

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Raspored Sonus festivala je vani! 5. rođendan proslavit ćemo uz maraton od 5 dana, 5 noći, aftere u klubovima Kalypso, Papaya i Aquarius i boat partyjima po prelijepom Jadranu! Cijene ulaznica za posjetitelje iz EX YU regije iznose 440 kn i moguće ih je kupiti putem Entrio online trgovine https://www.entrio.hr/event/sonus-festival-2017-3877 ili prodajnih mjesta.
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