Featured small Premiere Pete Tong & John Monkman – Ecstasis [Ellum] By ProgressiveAstronaut Posted on 17th March 2021 3 min read 0 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Reddit Share on Linkedin Maceo Plex's Ellum Audio imprint unveils its stellar two-part label sampler featuring Pete Tong, John Monkman, Christian Nielsen, Avision, Dino Lenny and more. Ellum Audio was launched in 2011 as a platform for Maceo Plex’s music, whilst also hosting high profile and emerging artists over the years. The coming weeks see two various artist compilations' arrive, welcoming the likes of Pete Tong, Christian Nielsen, Avision, Dino Lenny, and more to the label. Part 2 kicks off with dance music legend Pete Tong alongside John Monkman for the excellent 'Ecstasis', before Avision takes things into tough yet uplifting territory on ‘In My Mind’. Rumbling bass from Citizen Kain, Waltervelt’s bleepy techno and spacious sounds from Melawati lead to a final opus from Greek duo Alexandros Djkevingr & Greg Ignatovich. Buy: bit.ly/3v2mVyg Release Date: 19-03-2021 https://soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/premiere-pete-tong-john-monkman-ecstasis-original-mix-ellum/s-dtipFm0i4yn?in=progressiveastronaut/sets/premieres https://youtu.be/xv_kkJERYQo ALL PREMIERS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/premieres ALL FREE DOWNLOADS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/free-downloads ALL PODCAST EPISODES: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/progressive-astronaut-mixes
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