Releases Jan Blomqvist – Winter Roads [DAYS like NIGHTS] By ProgressiveAstronaut Posted on 19th December 2017 4 min read 0 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Reddit Share on Linkedin JAN BLOMQVIST DRAWS INSPIRATION FROM VIVALDIS FOUR SEASONS FOR DOUBLE-HEADED SYMPHONY: WINTER ROAD More than just a mere DJ or producer, Berlin͛s Jan Blomqvist is everything from a solo artist and bandleader to all-around star producer. While he has proven to be the former through over 300 shows in Europe͛s finest and most vibrant cities and capitals, he again validates the latter through his new, two-piece offering: "Winter Roads". Released on Eelke Kleijn's mint DAYS like NIGHTS label, both singles of the "Winter Roads" tandem ("Winter Roads" and "Winter Nights") are as symphonic as any part of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons", starring impeccable arrangements and enchanting builds. The neat thing is that while the double-headed release clearly gets the Vivaldi feel right, it also unmistakable features that delicate fusion of sounds that made Jan Blomqvist garner acclaim as one of the most stand-out artists in todays scene. Jan Blomqvist doesn͛t leave dance music fans out in the cold and neither does this quintessential release Jan Blomqvist Winter Roads is out now on DAYS like NIGHTS: ► YouTube: ► Soundcloud: ► Website: ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: