Home Releases Paravorik – Dancing in the Dark [ICONYC]

Paravorik – Dancing in the Dark [ICONYC]

5 min read

Continuing to add new talent to their roster, John Johnson's ICONYC welcomes Paravorik to the label for his debut EP. Although only emerging earlier this year, Norwegian artist Parvorik has already found a home on Einmusika and Songspire where his melodic creations have flourished. Now adding ICONYC to his resume, Paravorik debuts on the American imprint with 'Dancing in the Dark'.

Much like his Einmusika release, Parvorik manages to straddle the line between progressive house and melodic house & techno quite nicely across these two selections. Pristine production combined with nostalgic qualities and a muscular, floor friend groove make the lead selection 'Dancing in the Dark' a standout. Although somewhat indistinct, the vocal elements add mightily to the narrative, bringing depth, colour and heartfelt qualities, while a gorgeous break and hefty drop should make it quite powerful on the right dance floor.

Equally impressive is the companion piece 'Shadow Hill' with it's rugged rhythms and dramatic overtones. A bulbous kick and shapely underbelly sit at the foundation, providing a perfect balance of bounce and drive for ethereal vocals and otherworldly melodies to work their magic. Serving to open emotional reservoirs, while building drama and tension, the centrepiece sits at the heart of the journey, ultimately spearheading a thunderous re-entry and cosmic conclusion. Epic sounding stuff from Paravorik who makes an impressive ICONYC debut here. Highly recommended.

Buy: https://bit.ly/3qa6lg4

Release Date: 05-11-2021

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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