Home Featured small Orsen – Waveshaper [Replug]

Orsen – Waveshaper [Replug]

5 min read

Presenting his first solo original project of 2021, Orsen returns to Replug Records with the much anticipated ‘Waveshaper’. Having gotten the year underway with ‘Unreleased’, a special collaborative project with Replug label boss Cid Inc, Dan Baseley aka Orsen rode a swell of Beatport chart success. The three-track showcase highlighted by the joint production ‘Blessing In Disguise’, earned an extended stay in the Progressive House Top 10, while receiving play and support from Hernan Cattaneo, Guy J and Cristoph. Moving forward, the year's second quarter was highlighted by a return to US behemoth Proton Music, where Orsen reworked Hot Tuneik’s ‘Awake’ in spectacular fashion. Now as 2021 reaches its homestretch, Orsen lands back on his comfortable home of Replug with a two-track showcase entitled ‘Waveshaper’.

Highly stylized across its two selections, it is the hypnotic majesty of the title piece which sets the tone for the release. Spectacular sonic acrobats unite as Orsen marries frenetic arps and vibrant percussive splashes with entrancing grooves and a ten-tonne kick drum. Succinct in delivery and monolithic in design, the journey etches towards a brighter monochrome, gently rising as clever coactions create an energetic blend of rhythm and colour, eventually peaking across the second of two breaks as emotive chord changes usher in a rousing finale. Its adventurous spirit is something Orsen relishes in, as he adds another enduring creation to his resume.

The companion piece ‘Nocturnal’ finds Orsen continuing to survey his creative process. A delirious, trance-tinged delight, complete with the perfect balance of pulsating rhythms, acid-like lines and symphonic musicality. Robust and stirring at eight minutes in length, its enthusiastic nature is enthralling, bound by themes that are both exuberant and electric. Although a pang of euphoria seeps out of each spirited tone across the break, there is a note of deliberation in Orsen’s meticulously sculpted beats and creamy design qualities, one which is sure to find a home in the sets of electronic music’s most audacious trendsetters.

Continuing to be selective in his releases, Orsen always seems to reserve his most sought-after material for Replug. Fitting the bill perfectly, ‘Waveshaper’ goes down as another memorable project, as the Austrian resident wraps up another successful year.

Buy: bit.ly/3xc2n7W
Release Date: 24-11-2021



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