Home Featured small Local Dialect – Yaksha [Stil Vor Talent]

Local Dialect – Yaksha [Stil Vor Talent]

4 min read

For our next transmission, Stil vor Talent goes meridian-crossing, traveling from Berlin to New York with the talented likes of Annett Gapstream and Big Apple-based outfit Local Dialect for an epic round of IQ-endowed, stadium-sized body music.

Following on from her contribution to the label's 300th anniversary triptych last year, Gapstream serves up two climactic tracks marked by a highly cinematic character and packed with the kind of big-room firepower that'll get everyone on their knees no matter how early or late in the set. "All Over" strikes first, and dishes out a mix of liquid-like, dynamic chug rubbing shoulders with cavernous pads out a Gotham vigilante score. "Odds Are Good" trades the spacious, forward-rolling strut of the previous for a more jagged programming, fleshing it out with layers of cosmic arpeggios and trouble-brewing sub-bass onslaughts to brush a complete tableau of otherworldly escapism.

NYC's very own duo Local Dialect pick up the torch with two joints fusing a tribal approach to rhythm with next-level engineering. A true hybrid weapon, "Yaksha" blends in strains of classic prog techno and house, forging something of a compelling momentum lushly adorned with spiralling synths, stripped back to the absolute essential for enhanced floor-sweeping effect. "Gandharva" caps off the release on a more Italo-informed, EBM-ish vibe. Tapping in the genre's typical palette of bouncy arps and fast-paced bass stunts, it evolves into a proper astronautical epic, perfect for either an improvised voguing near the Sea of Serenity or busting moves at the end of a NASA module's robotic arm.

Buy: bit.ly/3A7YEvl
Release Date: 12-08-2022



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