Home Releases Weekend Heroes & Audiense – Weightless [Beat Boutique]

Weekend Heroes & Audiense – Weightless [Beat Boutique]

5 min read

DJ Zombi's Beat Boutique begins 2020 with a new single from Weekend Heroes and Audiense. This first collaboration from the Israeli trio has resulted in the much anticipated 'Weightless' alongside a remix from progressive star Antrim. It’s smooth, percussive groove is tough yet warm, serving as the perfect foundation for two soulful motifs. Sparsely placed, delicate keys set an emotive mood before a cross cultural vocal takes centre stage. Nostalgic and positive, it glows sitting atop the exotic framework and hopeful instrumentation, before tranquil arps provide a smooth shift into a radiant final act.

Rounding out the release and providing the lone interpretation of 'Weightless' is Antrim who returns to the label for his second appearance. 2019 proved to be a stellar year for the Argentinean artist, notching releases on Hernan Cattaneo's Sudbeat Music, Cid Inc's Replug Records and his own Or Two Strangers imprint. Now getting 2020 off to a great start Antrim lands back on Beat Boutique with a fresh take on 'Weightless'. The main themes translate quite nicely but sit a bit less on the surface in favour of an array of astral electronics. It's this band of cosmic motifs that ultimately make the journey so compelling, while the main break serves up just enough of the vocal for an understated yet emotive moment. A heady remix from Antrim which caps off a great start to the year for both himself and DJ Zombi's Beat Boutique. Highly recommended.

Buy: https://bit.ly/2Qmd6ZO

Release Date: 06-01-2020

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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