Home Releases Morttagua & Gaby Endo – Urania (Gai Barone Remix) [Timeless Moment]

Morttagua & Gaby Endo – Urania (Gai Barone Remix) [Timeless Moment]

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Morttagua & Gaby Endo - Urania (Gai Barone Remix) [Timeless Moment]

The latest release on Timeless Moment finds the label showcasing a brand new interpretation of 'Urania' by Morttagua & Gaby Endo. Originally released in August of this year it was a first time collaboration from the duo and was received amidst much praise. Now the label invites one of the progressive scenes most beloved artists in Gai Barone to re-invite the track for the fall season.

Given the spiritual quality of the original elements Gai is an ideal and dare I say perfect candidate to take them somewhere special. The consistently excellent level at which he operates is incredible and so too is his 'Urania' interpretation. Beginning with a chugging, almost techno inspired groove Gai slowly develops an astral storyboard with cosmic effects and free flowing harmonics. Waves of claps and spiralling atmospheres add a smooth but palatable tension before fading off into a break of shimmering sonic decay. This quiet yet emotive calm proves to be the perfect prelude to a squirrelly and wholeheartedly satisfying lead line. Grandiose in a way but with a character and touch that are incredibly organic. And therein lies the magic, the delivery is just so effortless and the warm bass swells and harmonic refrains which guide the journey home only add to its charming effervescence. A masterpiece indeed and one you'll want to enjoy several times over.

Buy: http://bit.ly/2z86gf3
Release Date: 16-10-2017

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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