Home Releases Juan Deminicis – Regular Message [ICONYC]

Juan Deminicis – Regular Message [ICONYC]

6 min read

John Johnson's ICONYC continues a strong start to the year by welcoming Juan Deminicis to the label for his debut EP. Hailing from Argentina, the Buenos Aires resident has been a much loved artist in the progressive music scene for over a decade. Long a favourite of genre's top tastemakers, Juan has released on the finest imprints with Guy J’s Lost and Found, Cid Inc's Replug Records and Hernan Cattaneo’s Sudbeat Music all being regular homes for the Argentine. Now presenting his first project of 2021 Juan lands on ICONYC with a two track showcase entitled 'Regular Message'.

The release begins with the sleek yet powerful vibes of the title selection. Smooth and serene throughout, it carries a lovely hypnotic quality from the outset. It's muscular groove provides momentous drive, while an array of melodic fragments, stunning effects and emotive chord changes marry well for the track's primary narrative. The main break serves as a bridge of sorts, not pushing tension higher but rather shifting energy back into the groove for a heartfelt finale.

The companion piece ‘Mental Storm’ follows a similar sonic ethos to its predecessor but resonates on a headier level. Although a stunning effects narrative was present in 'Regular Message' it's even more prevalent here with squelchy sonics working their way through a maze of fiery percussion. Complemented nicely with a strong musical theme, cascading tones rise as the first act evolves, before eventually opening up during the finale against a back drop of hopeful pads. It rounds out two massive productions from Juan Deminicis who makes a superb ICONYC debut here. Highly recommended.

Buy: https://bit.ly/3rpX00T

Release Date: 08-02-2021

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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