Releases Creative Culture – Remember the Future EP [Moonphase] By Release Promo Posted on 10th April 2020 6 min read 0 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Reddit Share on Linkedin The much anticipated debut release from Moonphase welcomes Creative Culture to the label alongside a remix from Sahar Z & Interaxxis. Based in India and headed up by well known DJ Beat2, Moonphase was born out of his previous label project Coalition. The inaugural release sees the debut of Creative Culture, an electronica alias formed by well known Colombian artists Dabeat & Juan Pablo. Beloved for their progressive minded creations on Beatfreak, UV and Dabeat's own B4U imprint, the duo now expand their sonic palette as Creative Culture with 'Remember the Future'. Spread across three tracks it's the laid back beats and tranquil sounds of the title selection which gets the release underway. Spacey arps and haunting phrases work emotive magic over a bed of broken beats and effervescent textures, for what results in a heartfelt six minute journey. The second selection 'That's Us' strips the beats away for a true ambient excursion. A vocal storyboard with ominous beginnings shifts into something more childlike, as luminous tones, murky bass and trailing effects fully saturate your senses during a conscience-nous expanding conclusion. Rounding out the originals are the twilight vibes of 'The Old Owl'. A touch introspective, it's transcendent sounds connect you with nature on a profound level, while a tripped out complement of glacial guitars, ghostly vocal wails and clustered melodies unite for a compelling canopy of sound. The lone interpretation on the release finds Sahar Z and Interaxxis taking the title track into dance floor inspired territory. As one of progressive music's premiere talents Sahar Z continues to showcase his unique sound on some of the undergrounds most cutting edge imprints like Anjunadeep, EDGE, Lost & Found and microcastle. Similarly Emiliano Folgar and Martin Kazez aka Interaxxis have landed releases on Balance Music, Replug, Selador and Sudbeat. Now coming together for a rare collaboration the trio provide a stunning interpretation of 'Remember the Future' to round out the release. Following a suspenseful, DJ friendly intro comes pulsating bass tones, striking stabs and finely tuned percussion. It's robust rhythmic core is undeniably powerful, gaining momentum with each successive loop while timely effects and gentle overlays add perfectly to it's peak time appeal. A rousing rendition from Sahar Z and Interaxxis, which caps off an auspicious debut release for Beat2's Moonphase imprint, certainly a label to follow going forward. Highly recommended. Buy: Release Date: 09-04-2020 Release Promo: ► YouTube: ► Soundcloud: ► Website: ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: