Home Releases CJ Peeton – Ordinary/Abyss [Stellar Fountain]

CJ Peeton – Ordinary/Abyss [Stellar Fountain]

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CJ Peeton returns to Stellar Fountain this week with a brand new EP alongside remixes from Dowden and Moenes. The Hungarian born, Irish based artist is fresh off a release on Zephyr Music while also finding a home on ICONYC and Hydrogen. Stellar Fountain has long been considered CJ’s home imprint however and now he makes a welcome return with ‘Ordinary/Abyss’.

It’s no wonder CJ feels so comfortable on Stellar Fountain, his sound perfectly fits the label’s deep and dreamy ethos. As evidenced by the lead track ‘Ordinary’ which is a wondrous eight minute journey through creamy textures and dulcet tones. Rooted with a warm, driving groove and healthy percussive complement it is the break which carries the most impact. Flowing through guitar motifs and meditative pulses before smoothly transferring energy into a glowing finale. The equally brilliant ‘Abyss’ takes us further into astral territory with trippy designs and a similar rhythmic pulse. Distinctive percussive elements bring a real flair to the mix and drop out at precisely the right moment to reveal a poignant piano theme. Running through the entirety of a two minute plus break the well crafted keys set a melancholic backdrop for you to get lost in and when they reappear during the third act it’s quite a special moment.

The lead track ‘Ordinary’ also comes with two remixes, the first of which is supplied by Dowden. Previously known as Onez!e, the Canadian artist has found a home on John 00 Fleming’s JOOF Recordings, Tripp Baronner’s Yin:Yang imprint and UK label Superordinate Music. Known for his driving brand of progressive house Dowden injects some peak energy into 'Ordinary' which makes for a great complement to the deeper original. The groove gets thickened up considerably along with a tighter rhythmic core but the wavering atmospheric themes are not lost in the peak time energy so there is a lovely balance to be found. Great remix from Dowden.

The release concludes with Moenes making his Stellar Fountain debut following an appearance on label affiliate Astrowave earlier this month. The Egyptian artist has just three discography credits but his interpretation of 'Ordinary' sounds like that of a seasoned vet. It's smooth drive and subtle, meditative energy is quite inviting. The near eleven minute running time is daunting but incredibly rewarding, highlighted by an expansive, cinematic break which sits at the core of the journey. A great remix from a name you'll no doubt be hearing more about in the future and another solid release from our friends at Stellar Fountain. Don't miss it.

Buy: https://bit.ly/2KgU5mp

Release Date: 30-04-2017

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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