Home Featured small Cid Inc. & Orsen – A Blessing in Disguise [Replug]

Cid Inc. & Orsen – A Blessing in Disguise [Replug]

4 min read

The first release of 2021 sees Replug Label Managers Cid Inc. & Orsen join forces once again to release a three track EP of previously unreleased music, entitled 'Unreleased'.

After the success of their chart topping '10' collaboration, which celebrated the label's 10 year anniversary, Cid Inc. & Orsen delved into the hard drives to pull out their most sought after, unreleased tracks from the last 2 years, which had been heard and ID'd in DJ sets around the globe.

Cid Inc. starts the EP with the earth moving, acid fueled 'Ground Control'. A 303 ladened juggernaut which evolves and accumulates energy and anticipation over a meticulously produced 9 minute journey. The summit of the track is reached after a nearly 2 minute long break which twists and turns as the distorted filters and envelopes work their magic, reaching their crescendo with a thunderous re-entry which drives the track back to its core fi nale.

The second track is the long awaited follow up collaboration from Cid Inc. & Orsen entitled "A Blessing in Disguise". Leading on from 'Ground Control' it sets the mood once again, with a driving yet more subtle build, a metronomic presence and pulsating rhythmic stabs lead us to the evolution of a held back but anthemic edged melodic breakdown. Both elegant and designed in nature, it has all the hallmarks of what to expect from Cid Inc, Orsen and Replug.

Finally is the previously unreleased 'Continuum' from Orsen. With flavours of tracks of old, it is a no nonsense peak-timer, which grows in presence as the track opens up with repeating cyclical 'hoover' stabs and arpeggiators, leading to an 'old skool' infused, single melodic line just before the track heaves back in to run to its energy ladened conclusion.

Another sublime outing from both Cid Inc. & Orsen to start the year and surely to be another standout Replug release.

Buy: bit.ly/3pgSmlt
Release Date: 01-02-2021


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