Home Releases Simeon Fuchs – Anunnaki [ICONYC]

Simeon Fuchs – Anunnaki [ICONYC]

6 min read

John Johnson's ICONYC begins their 2020 journey by welcoming Simeon Fuchs back to the label for his debut EP. The Czech born, Ibiza based artist first appeared on the US imprint in December of last year with a contribution to the label's ICONYC Essentials 3 (Winter Edition). Now returning for his first EP project, Simeon presents his three track 'Anunnaki' showcase.

Beginning with the minimalistic sounds of the title selection it’s clear that Simeon has crafted his most engaging work to date. Fresh and rhythmic across it’s near seven minute running time, it’s a funky delight with buoyant tones and sweeping effects leading the way. The main break uses tasteful modulation to accentuate the lead theme, building subtle tension and perfectly foreshadowing a groovy finale.

The second selection ‘Voices of Caves’ brings the tempo down for a laid back journey into spacey arps and luminous design. It’s bulbous beats, shifty rhythms and wonky hooks bring esoteric qualities, while layers of drums build around the groove as timely splashes and bands of effects carry into break. Furthering the modern qualities of the piece are timely fragments which make for dynamic moments before, a gentle drum flurry sparks a classy drop.

Following a similar sonic ethos and rounding out the release is ‘Berlin Is Calling’. The tempo shifts back up here but the unique melodic concepts remain with a variety of cool narrative's playing out across it's eight minute running time. Intricate electronics and bubbly tones create a gorgeous flow while percussive flurries and pensive effects continue to advance the journey. Not without emotive moments a section of chord changes shifts the mood, delivering goose-bump worthy moments before transitioning into a smooth finale. A classy track from Simeon which caps off a well rounded EP and ultimately a great start to 2020 for ICONYC. Highly recommended.

Buy: https://bit.ly/37VrTRC

Release Date: 03-02-2020

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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