Featured small Premiere PREMIERE: The Organism – Orion (Far&High Remix) [Organic Tunes] By ProgressiveAstronaut Posted on 5th October 2020 3 min read 0 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Reddit Share on Linkedin Organic Tunes kick off on a fine footing with a new single from boss man The Organism featuring a big remix from Far&High. Orion is the name of the tune and is a bubbly techno roller with a dark vocal loop layered over the top of the groove. Synths shoot through the mix to bring light and energy and the whole thing is sure to get clubs marching as one. Far&High remix it into a dark disco vibe, with spangled chords and twisted synths pranging about the mix. It is a tense, involving tune that soars ever higher and will make any floor take off. This is a big and bold start to what is sure to be a great new label. Buy: bit.ly/3lbPdRm Release Date: 08-10-2020 https://soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/premiere-the-organism-orion-farhigh-remix-organic-tunes/s-AehwyZtTCnz https://youtu.be/t_7cfkL9sj4 ALL PREMIERS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/premieres ALL FREE DOWNLOADS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/free-downloads ALL PODCAST EPISODES: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/progressive-astronaut-mixes