Home Releases Guy Maayan – Light in the Sky [Sol Selectas]

Guy Maayan – Light in the Sky [Sol Selectas]

4 min read
Guy Maayan

Guy Maayan drops a delightful EP called Light in the Sky, and it includes three magical organic house tracks. The release comes from Sabo’s record label Sol Selectas, which has released many of Guy Maayan’s tracks across its numerous compilations.

It’s hard to believe this is only the first time Guy Maayan has released a solo EP through Sol Selectas, but its proof good things come to those who wait, as it’s a well-crafted release where each track has been perfected down to the finest detail.

The drums are a combination of sequenced samples and live fills or loops, but they have been seamlessly stitched together into a colourful tapestry that has beautiful melodies woven through it.

Two of the tracks, “Niache” and “Uplaya” have live trumpets and invigorating percussion. “Niache” also has trippy guitar chords and a stunning vocal as part of its Afro house groove. “Uplaya” is a prime example of deep organic house with melodic pads and dreamy melodies.

The title track, “Light in the Sky” closes out the release with a drop in tempo, as it delivers a psychedelic groove, which utilises trippy flute samples and acid bass chords.

Buy the release HERE.


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