Home Releases Facundo Capott – Amatista EP [Polyptych]

Facundo Capott – Amatista EP [Polyptych]

7 min read

Polyptych opens the spring season by welcoming Facundo Capott to the label for his debut EP. As a DJ for some time, the Uruguayan artist has been a fixture in his country’s nightlife, sharing the stage with Stefano Noferini, Olivier Giacomotto, D-Nox and Kintar. Although early into his career as a producer, Facundo landed his first release via Miss Monique's Siona Records imprint in October of last year. It proved to be an auspicious debut which not only earned the praise of progressive music tastemakers but also enjoyed an extended stay in Beatport's sales charts. Now continuing that momentum and presenting his first project of 2021, Facundo debuts on Polyptych with 'Amatista'.

Much like Facundo's Siona EP which sat comfortably between progressive house and melodic techno, Amatista does the same and quite successfully. The title track begins with a bed of punchy beats, machine gun rhythms and a dusty percussive complement. A series of catchy chord changes follows, adding an emotional lean to the narrative and perfectly setting up a gorgeous astral arp. Tight and fluid, it twists and turns across the first act, eventually carrying into the main break and giving way to a glowing reservoir of sound as the beats drop for a purring finale.

The companion piece 'Teo' proves to be the perfect complement with its buoyant break beats and emerging atmospheres. Luminous arps dance amidst a maze of choppy percussion and nostalgic chord changes, perfectly shifting energy into the main break. Cosmic and meditative in equal measure, the interlude saturates your senses with the cascading motif melting down and shifting pitch against a symphonic backdrop, eventually reaching a gentle crescendo and powerful drop. It rounds out two well constructed tracks from Facundo Capott, an artist who continues to be an intriguing newcomer in the world of progressive house. Highly recommended.

Buy: https://bit.ly/3cplqDk

Release Date: 26-03-2021

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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