The latest edition of our free download series welcomes Antrim for his first appearance. Long a favourite of progressive music tastemakers Hernan Cattaneo and Nick Warren, the Cordoba resident also lays claim to releases on Sudbeat Music, Hope Recordings, Replug Records and his own Or Two Strangers imprint. With a sound that stretches from the deeper, dreamy spectrum’s of house, to the tastefully melodic confines of contemporary progressive, Antrim continues to have his best year on record. One of his most in demand tracks of 2019 has been his private remix of Apparat's 'Voi_Do'. Initially aired by Hernan Cattaneo at the WMC 'Never Get Out of the Boat' event, the track has been shrouded in mystery ever since. Now a staple in the sets of several A-list DJs, we’re pleased to bring you the track as an exclusive free download. Enjoy!
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Release Date: 06-09-2019
Download: https://hypeddit.com/track/z6hzsw
► Antrim ♫
01. Apparat - Voi Do (Antrim Remix)
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