Home Featured Feature: Pablo Bolivar [Interview + Premiere]

Feature: Pablo Bolivar [Interview + Premiere]

12 min read

Hi Pablo, thanks for joining us, tell us where in the world you are today and what’s on your agenda for the week?
Hi guys. Well I am passing these days in Cantabria, my home town, visiting family and friends, and getting some inspiration from the nature. On my return to Barcelona, I will continue the work at the studio and back to normal life.

Looking back to your childhood, when did you first discover your passion for music?
There was always music in my house, my parents have a great vinyl collection and my sisters were listening to pop and electronica in the 80-90’s and playing piano at home. Before electronica I really liked hard stuff like Sepultura, Rage Against The Machine and Public Enemy, but at some point in the school I discovered Mike Oldfield and Jean Michel Jarre and everything changed.

There is often a deep, mystical feeling locked inside your productions. How much has living in Spain influenced your sound, and your approach to producing music?
I think it comes from my homeland, grey and rainy days, beautiful green landscapes, endless summers… also the celtic mythology, fairy tales... kinda dreamy stuff.

How do you achieve such a lovely organic quality in your music, what's in the Pablo Bolivar studio?
I try to simulate real percusions, could be recording things or using virtual emulation of real instruments. My small hardware collection is growing step by step with a Prophet 6, Toft Audio Mixer, Access Virus, Yamaha DX7, Roland SH01, JX03, MaxxBcl, and a bunch of efx pedals.

What was the first synth you bought and is it still with you today?
It was a Yamaha RMX1. It’s not with me now, but I remember it’s sequencer and synth sounds were really nice, I bought it because my sisters boyfriend loaned it to me and I fell in love with it, I was 16 years old and it was my first contact with a machine like that.

How much of an influence is music outside of electronic spectrum?
Music is everything for me, It can cure or change my mood. Jazz, Bossanova, Ambient... I listen mostly to soft music.

Who are the most influential people in your life?
I am an autodidact musician, but I learned a lot about life from my family and friends.

Tell us about a typical day in your life when you're not travelling for a gig. Do you have any set routine?
I try to wake up early and take a good breakfast at home, office time until 10am, studio and label tasks until 1pm, then Yoga, sport or disconnection two times per week. After lunch, studio and label tasks again, I try to finish around 9pm. A beer or glass of wine with my girl or friends is very important to finish a proper working day.

You’ve got two new remixes of the amazing Active Child which are about to come out on Subtract. Tell us how you got involved in such an amazing project and tell us about the creative process and inspiration behind the two remixes. Was the plan from the outset always to do two remixes?
I’ve been listening to the original track for years, and one day at Anton's house I played it and he told me about the "remix release". It was kind of a magic connection. I told him I would love to be involved in the release and bang! Two different versions, I had the idea very clear from the beginning. What a special release he has made, he is a chief.

You’ve been linked to Subtract for quite some time so you must find it a very comfortable home. What is it that connects you to the label so strongly? Anton is a great guy with great taste in music we must say. :)
Yes, Anton is a lovely guy. The music connected us. He plays my music often and we have a very similar taste. Also he looks to bring me to his events when I am touring US. I feel really comfortable with him and his house is an Oasis of wellness.

Tell us about your imprint Seven Villas, what’s your vision for it and how has the label evolved since you launched it in 2014.  Who is responsible for the label’s gorgeous artwork?
I just want to release music that makes me feel something. It doesn’t matter if the artist is releasing for the first time or not, If I like it I put my energy and passion on it, and we publish it. Most of the cover photos are from Alkora, a friend and collaborator from Switzerland, but also I use my own photos or photos from the artists. Thanks for the feedback guys.

What advice would you have for artists hoping to get signed to the label?
Send beautiful and delicate deep music and if it can be played then even better!

Who are some up and coming Spanish artists to look out for?
I am really enjoying Agatha Pher’s new music, she will release soon in Seven Villas. Also Upercent is doing a great job with his latest releases. Right now I am listening to a demo from a newcomer called Francisco Aguado and I am really impressed, I am thinking about doing an LP with his best material.

What are the biggest challenges that you currently face in the industry as an artist and a label owner?
To be able to continue releasing interesting and timeless music and developing new and fresh projects.

Lastly, what else can we expect to hear from you for the remainder of 2018?
I've just released a solo EP on Einmusika and the remix for Active Child. Now I am working on new solo material and the new album of Mind Groove with Garcia Smith is going to be really cool. Also I will release "The deep collection Vol.2" for my birthday in July.

Active Achild - Johnny Belinda remixes are out on 30th of April 2018! get your copy here!

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