Releases Soulfinder & Silinder – Home EP [Soundteller Records] By Release Promo Posted on 18th January 2019 0 second read 0 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Reddit Share on Linkedin Deersky’s Soundteller Records brings together two of Ireland’s top electronic music talents in Soulfinder and Silinder. Both mainstays of the progressive underground for some time this is the duos first ever collaborative project together after past solo efforts on ICONYC, Proton Music and Sudbeat Music. Not only does ‘Home’ mark the duo’s first joint productions but it also has the distinction of being Soulfinder’s Soundteller debut. The lead track 'Home’ is a fine example of what should happen when two creative talents come together. At the foundation lies a warm, rolling groove with emotive key changes while a sparkling arp and wispy atmospheric motifs make up the top end. Percussive drive adds a smooth momentous swing leading into the break before effortlessly transitioning into a finale which is both emotive and hypnotic. The companion piece 'Horizon' continues the warm, free flowing narrative with a wealth of poignant moments. Immaculately contoured bass tones sit at the foundation while sparkling electronics saturate your senses. Detailed percussion and wispy atmospherics fill in the framework before stripping down into the second act. The break while spacious and airy presents a plucky lead, uniquely mystical it serves as a catalyst, igniting a glowing finale. It rounds out a stunning first time collaborative project from Soulfinder & Silinder and another great signing for Deersky's Soundteller Records. Don't miss it. Buy: Release Date: 21-01-2019 Release Promo: ► YouTube: ► Soundcloud: ► Website: ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: ► PA Booking Enquiries: