Home Releases Paperheart – Torn Apart 01 [ICONYC]

Paperheart – Torn Apart 01 [ICONYC]

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John Johnson’s ICONYC imprint steps left of centre for its latest offering and unveils a new collaborative project by the name of Paperheart. Chris Boshell and Aidan Kelly make up this intriguing new act which looks to showcase the finest in electronica. Irish artist Chris Boshell is perhaps best known for being one half of the ICONYC act Phraktal while also operating his own Bakroom imprint. Also of Irish descent, photographer Aidan Kelly is famed for his many exhibits, most notably ‘This Place’ which is based on love notes to Dublin City. Together the duo have crafted an exquisite self titled sound story which once again showcases ICONYC’s highly curated, borderless music policy.

A few times a year an artist showcase comes along which touches the hearts and minds of electronic music lovers. One where traditional genre barriers are broken and a captivating journey unfolds. Where followers of different stylistic blueprints unite in a celebration of sound. In a tale told over five acts Paperheart’s self titled debut is one such release. ‘It’s A Feeling’ sets the mood nicely with bassy analog rumblings sitting in stark contrast to a heartfelt melodic narrative. Timeless and contemplative, the main theme proves most captivating during a spacious second act, slowly melting down into slo-mo euphoria before perfectly segueing into the broken beats and meandering melancholia of ‘Cycle Time’. Transcendent tones and shifting noise sit on a bed of quirky acid before an expansive break seals it’s enduring appeal. It more than whet's the appetite for the transitional piece 'Normalcy Bias’. Ghostly vocal elements quickly burrow into your subconscious while an astral top line and bed of decayed sonics set the perfect backdrop for this four minute excursion. The fourth piece ‘Inner City Magnetic’ begins with breathy loops, dulcet beats and mounds of swollen bass. Evolving beautifully, the piece strips down to warm pulses before frayed percussion and vocal spirals summon a storyboard of sci-fi effects and icy pads. Rounding out the release is ‘Back at Work’ where radio transmissions and transpo rumblings set a contemplative tone. Perhaps the perfect piece to reflect back on the collection; an audio travelogue for the ages, one where eloquent themes are immediately compelling and capture a timeless elegance not easily conveyed through electronics.

Buy: https://bit.ly/2rES7Df

Release Date: 20-08-2017

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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