Home Releases Jay Phonic – Fighter [Inspired By Trees]

Jay Phonic – Fighter [Inspired By Trees]

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Jay Phonic makes his much anticipated Inspired By Trees debut with 'Fighter'. Based in Argovia, the Swiss artist discovered electronic music in the early nineties. A DJ first, Jay's passion quickly evolved into music production, experimenting with sounds and grooves until ultimately making his debut in 2010. His penchant for crafting cross pollinated creations quickly found favour with some of the underground's most cutting edge DJs, while landing him releases on Audio Safari and Tenor Sounds. Now embarking on the most anticipated release of his career, Jay debuts on Inspired By Trees alongside a remix from Marc DePulse.

Known for his borderless approach to production, Jay's latest entitled 'Fighter' embodies that ethos perfectly. Beginning with a bed of warm, bouncy beats and perfectly sculpted bass comes buzzing effects and charming chord stabs. A robust framework and rolling rhythmic core make for a spirited first act, building momentum as it segues effortlessly into a cavernous break. Sitting as the journey's emotional centrepiece, a cross-cultural vocal motif steals the air, elevating the mood for a moment of divine tranquility, before melting down into slo-mo synth euphoria, perfectly setting up a rousing finale.

The lone interpretation of 'Fighter' is provided by Marc DePulse who also makes his label debut here. The German artist closed out a successful 2017 with the release of his critically acclaimed 'Kontrollverlust' album on Einmusika. This year has been met with similar success, finding Marc showcasing his music on Beatfreak Recordings, Movement Recordings, Sincopat, Tenampa and his own Jeahmon imprint. Known for his pristine production characteristics and attention to detail, Marc now debuts on Inspired By Trees, taking 'Fighter' into techno inspired territory. Anchored by punchy kicks and a rippling groove, it's dramatic mood is compelling from the outset. Wonky hooks and buzzing synths quickly saturate your senses, taking you on a free form journey into the main break. Initialized by percussive flurries, it's a poignant second act, highlighted by melodic clusters and emotive chord changes, before a cinematic growl sparks a timely drop. It rounds out a stunning Inspired By Trees debut from Jay Phonic who is most certainly an artist to keep a close eye on in 2019.

Buy: https://bit.ly/2A3UNAf

Release Date: 18-12-2018

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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