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Jam El Mar Interview + Premiere

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First off al im really curious how it all started for you?

JAM: I had a couple of synths and my cousin introduced me to some DJs who wanted to start recording so we teamed up and this is how Jam & Spoon and Dance 2 Trance started.

Can you tell us one achievement you are realy proud of?

JAM: I am never proud of something but I am happy over some work, yes. When I see young DJs still playing The Age Of Love Remix, then I am really happy about that.

What's your oppinion on genres and artist arround the certain genres? for example if the artist is only connected to techno like Adam Bayer and if he were to play Deep house - Progressive set do yu think his audience would love it or hate it? what's your oppinion on limiting yourself to a certain genre?

JAM: When I started with music a DJ usually played all kinds of styles. Obviously this has changed. I think its great that we can concentrate on certain styles. As a DJ you are able to follow your personal preferences and you don’t necessarily have to play something to just please the people. As a clubber you can choose the kind of music you love, like choosing your favorite dish in the restaurant. On the other hand, I don’t like when people start to divide the styles in good and bad.

Recently we saw some cases that djs acts like superstars, having crazy requests, demanding 5 star hotels and all sort of special privileges, to me that's something underground simply is not and it poisons the scene, what's your input on this issue?

JAM: In some cases this is contra productive. But keep in mind: some DJs are constantly traveling, so they sacrifice a lot in their life. To demand a good hotel is not necessarily something bad because it guarantees also a good performance.

But sometimes the requests go out of hand. Some of my friends are promoters and when you listen to them talking about some DJ and their catering it is really funny. To me, there is no reason to loose the ground just because you are start getting famous. At the end of the day we are mixing tracks into each other. Some do it it well, some do it very well. Come on - no big deal…

But this is not a DJ problem. you can watch this phenomenon everywhere, when people get famous.

It is easy to loose grip but it´s down to your personal character how you are able to deal with fame.

What’s coming up for you for the rest of the year and can you share with us any new tracks or exciting projects? What are currently your main challenges as a DJ and producer? Do you have some new ideas and for what are you most excited about in near future?

JAM: Tomorrow (Oct 2nd), a new EP will be released on Tronic. It´s my second release after I seriously started producing again for the clubs. The last release was on Adam Beyer´s great Truesoul label. I really like the tracks and they seem to get nice attention from great DJ´s, so I am very excited. I also delivered two wild acid tracks for Cherrymoon in Belgium and also new recordings that contain some of the early 90ties vibe of Trance, like it was at the beginning.

I have thousands of ideas but I am very picky. People expect 100% quality tracks from me, so I am very strict in sorting out. I recently started producing with Markus Schulz and we had a great, creative time. So people, watch out what is coming across! Markus is such a great person and DJ with a lot of love for music & his job. You rarely find someone who is so good in mixing and producing. Some other cooperations with Belgian DJ are on the way but this is a bit secret still. I also love being on stage and dj for the people. If I would have known how much fun it is I would have started earlier with this…

Could you tell us your most memorable gig and where was it?

JAM: There are some already. One gig was on the love parade 2006. It was a gig for the memory of Mark Spoon, who died in January the same year. So it was a very sad moment but very impressing at the same time to see 1,2 million people dancing, all to the same bassdrum. My stage was facing West, it was late afternoon, so I watched the sunset over the „Straße des 17. Juni“ The street was packed with ravers until the far horizon - unreal.

You are releasing on one of the best techno labels out there, how are you happy with your current sound, and how does it fit christians label?

JAM: I guess it fits well otherwise he would have picked it but there are some on the greatest acts on the label, so it is fantastic to be among them. So, yes, I am more then happy! But I am never satisfied with my tracks. I always want and try to improve!


Tell us something about yourself that might surprise people.

JAM: I am such a common person, or should I say boring? - I don’t think there is something I could surprise someone, haha!

Is there something we missed and you wanted to tell our readers about?

JAM: I just want to say that people should simply enjoy music and life - don’t allow yourself to get short minded. Being joyful is one of the most precious things we have in life, so celebrate it! Respect each other even though someone might have a different musical taste. We are sharing one of the most exciting kinds of music on the planet. It has the potential to unite people  - at least for a couple of moments. We should be happy and thankful to experience that.

► Jam El Mar ♫

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