Featured small Premiere Hunter/Game & Øostil – Release [TAU] By ProgressiveAstronaut Posted on 27th January 2025 5 min read 0 0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Reddit Share on Linkedin TAU welcomes a powerhouse link up for our latest release. Italian duo Hunter/Game combine their creative energy with Øostil to form a supreme alliance. Both acts have long established themselves with the house and techno realm, bringing their unique flavours to a long line of releases and performances around the world. Their credentials are top tier and this new single demonstrates their prowess, with two alternate mixes including a spellbinding rework by Denis Horvat. Release epitomises the combined experience of these two talents, with crisp sound design throughout. An undulating bassline lures us into the mesmerising atmosphere, with hushed female vocals speaking in French and a repeated Release mantra. The tension builds steadily, as all the elements coalesce and complement each other, guiding us into a breakdown. After this point, the track continues in a similar vein, the low end maintaining its hypnotic grip as the seductive vocals drift in and out of the background. Denis Horvat steps up to remix Release, adding a harder edge, and more pump, to the energetic imprint. Horvats signature sound gives this its distinct vibe, utilising an array of unusual effects to send your brain into another dimension. The warped composition makes this a headtrip in itself. Denis considered approach creates moments where the energy plateaus a little, allowing the tension to build... Steel yourself for an extended breakdown, which explodes into a high-energy finale, where the push and pull culminates in a powerful climax. Finally, the Club Edit retains key elements from the original while taking things into slightly darker territory. Hunter/Game and Øostil offer a haunting reinterpretation of their track, with more impactful drum arrangement and higher energy all round. One for the 5am heads down crew... Buy: www.beatport.com/release/release/4886238Release Date: 31-01-2025 ALL PREMIERS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/premieres ALL FREE DOWNLOADS: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/free-downloads ALL PODCAST EPISODES: soundcloud.com/progressiveastronaut/sets/progressive-astronaut-mixes