Home Releases GuyRo feat. Chris Sterio – Zen [Balkan Connection]

GuyRo feat. Chris Sterio – Zen [Balkan Connection]

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GuyRo makes his much anticipated debut on Balkan Connection this week with a brand new single in collaboration with Chris Sterio. The Spanish artist released his 'Camping In Kashmir' single on Chris' Soundscapes Digital imprint in February of last year and now the two come together for their first ever single alongside remixes from Matter, Nishan Lee, Solemn Eye and TasZ.

GuyRo has been artist that treads the genre seas with an effortless ease. His 2017 release on Bakroom presented a deeper, atmospheric techno vibe while a two track offering on Se-lek Music saw a traditional progressive house cut paired with a straight up techno creation. His latest entitled 'Zen' features Chris Sterio and together the duo have melded elements from deep house, techno and progressive house across a twelve minute journey. From its fluid groove to charming electronics there is a lot to like about it. A distinctive vocal sample sits at the core of the track, eventually summoning a cinematic, emotional response which proves to be quite impactful. Definitely one you'll want to listen to a few times over and no doubt something you'll be hearing a lot in the coming months.

There are a lot of remixes here so progressive music fans are spoilt for choice as they say. Leading the way and fresh off an EP for Cid Inc's Replug Records is Matter. The Aussie artist brings the piece closer to the dance floor with a big chugging groove, stellar effects and a purring meditative resonance. Comprised of two breaks and a stripped back medium, the second act builds an enormous amount of tension, perfectly setting up a buzzing finale. Definitely one for a peak time floor.

Next up is Nishan Lee who proved to be one of 2017's breakout stars in progressive house. The Sri Lankan's pure progressive sound found favour with Hernan Cattaneo and Nick Warren. Now making his Balkan Connection debut Nishan puts his own twist on 'Zen'. Chuggy and driving from the outset, the piece flows with a smooth but commanding cadence. The main break brings a multitude of emotions, beginning with moody and ominous before shifting into something more hopeful and reflective.

Also making his label debut is Solemn Eye who some may know from his releases on German label Steyoyoke and Pole Folder's Reworck imprint. The Belgian artist brings a tougher techno sensibility to 'Zen' making it a great complement to the previous versions. Tough beats, firing percussion and two gorgeous melodic lines carry the piece, while the running vocal narrative tantalizes the senses every step of the way.

The release concludes with yet another label debut from TasZ. The German born, Greece based artist is fresh off great releases for Mistique Music and Soundscapes Digital. Closing the release out on a strong note TasZ goes deeper for his 'Zen' interpretation. Soulful motifs adorn the tough yet laid back groove before a stripped, drummy section transitions the piece into an emotive break. Great feelings here and a superb remix to cap off a very large release from Balkan Connection. Don't miss it.

Buy: http://bit.ly/2mrgUsz

Release Date: 15-01-2017

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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