Home Releases Erdi Irmak – Blame [Soundteller Records]

Erdi Irmak – Blame [Soundteller Records]

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Erdi Irmak returns to Deersky's Soundteller Records this week with the much anticipated 'Blame'. The Turkish artist has become a mainstay on the roster of the highly touted Polish imprint, with this being his fifth appearance. Recent EP's for Magician On Duty and Stripped Recordings have been sensational and now Erdi returns to Soundteller for his debut EP.

Continuing the deeper narrative which both Erdi and Soundteller have been exploring it's the title cut which leads the EP off. Deep and sultry from the outset it’s warm, spacious groove is immediately inviting. Spiralling motifs eventually fade into prominence, highlighting a glowing break before the warm, thumping low end returns. This sounds tailor made for an outdoor summer event and one you’ll no doubt be hearing a lot.

The companion piece ‘Inexpressible’ lowers the tempo but comes in with more of a progressive vibe nonetheless. Again the warmth and fluidity of the groove is truly mezmerizing, eventually getting encased with vocal pads, chord stabs and a radiant atmospheric backdrop. The break brings the most tension on the EP but wisely lets up as the groove drops back in for a smooth finale. It’s been great to watch Erdi evolve this year and he certainly seems to have found his stride once again on this EP. Highly Recommended

Buy: https://bit.ly/2IJCxT5

Release Date: 28-05-2017

Release Promo: http://releasepromo.com

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